Mexico Beach eNewsletter | April 2020
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Our focus is on Your Safety and Health

These past few weeks and months have become uncharted waters for everyone around the world. While our beaches are gorgeous, the waters sparkling and the sun shining, our focus is on the safety and health of our residents and visitors. Because of the coronavirus, we are implementing measures that we hope will keep people safe as most activities have been severely limited or placed on hold. We are encouraging all our visitors to adhere to government guidelines by implementing social distancing and staying safe at home. We know you miss the beaches—we miss them too, but they will be there, ready for all of us once this passes. During this time when we have to be apart, we want you to follow us on our Facebook and Instagram pages as we will be posting images and videos so you can feel like you’re with us. Should you have questions, we are here to help answer them with our Live Chat feature on our website or by phone. We are ready to welcome the day when we can embrace each of our visitors again, and we know that day is coming.

What's Coming Up Text

And the winner is...


Last month, we had a Never Forgotten Coast combo pack up for grabs, and the lucky winner is Tara Verser from Springfield, Missouri. Congrats, Tara!



This month, we are giving away a gift certificate to the Mexico Beach Marina. The Mexico Beach Marina has everything you need—from bait and marine gas to ice and ice cream—for your next trip on the water or to the beach. Be sure and stop by to see their large selection of merchandise and grocery items. To place your name in the hat, send an e-mail to Nick at

Community News
Meet Mexico Beach
Meet Kathy Lyons

We are delighted to introduce Mexico Beach’s new code enforcer, Kathy Lyons. Our city government has many responsibilities, and some of them include informing citizens and visitors of local ordinances, ensuring that codes are being followed, and working to keep our city safe and beautiful. To meet these responsibilities, the City has hired Kathy to be the overseer for the code enforcement duties. Originally from northern Kentucky, Kathy graduated from Thomas More University and held several responsible positions before retiring from the State of Georgia while serving as a statewide help desk manager. Kathy has broad experience in a number of areas and recently moved to our wonderful city. If you have any questions about code compliance, please give Kathy a call at City Hall—(850) 648-5700—and she will be glad to assist.

2020 Event 1

Mexico Beach Annual Photography Contest

April 1 to July 31
Future Event 1
The 20th Annual Mexico Beach Photography Contest started April 1 and runs until July 31. We welcome all photographs taken in Mexico Beach—past and present. All photographs will be submitted for judging after July 31, and the winners will be contacted and announced on the Mexico Beach website, on social media, and in the e-newsletter. Winning photographs will be displayed in the Mexico Beach Welcome Center. Categories are Around Mexico Beach, Sunrises and Sunsets, The Beach, Fishing and Boating, People, and Flora and Animal Life. We hope you will capture Mexico Beach through your “eyes” and enter our photography contest.
2020 Event 2

Best Blast on the Beach

July 4
Future Event 2
Come celebrate the Fourth of July in Mexico Beach with our Best Blast on the Beach. We are sure everyone will be amazed by our grand fireworks display. This show can be seen throughout the entire city, and it will be one show you will not want to miss. Make your plans now to come and enjoy the show. Launching at 8:30 p.m., our Best Blast on the Beach fireworks show will be a must-see for you and the entire family!
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A friendly reminder:

Mexico Beach is a Leave No Trace community, and we appreciate your assistance in helping us keep our beaches clean. Any items left on the beach unattended from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. will be removed and disposed of by the City of Mexico Beach. Items include, but are not limited to, tents and tent frames, beach chairs, coolers, umbrellas, toys, etc. Also, please fill in any holes before you leave. Your assistance with these requests will keep our beaches beautiful and pristine. For full details on this ordinance or questions, click here or contact City Hall at (850) 648-5700.

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Plank-Grilled Redfish
This dish is easy to assemble and a dinner-table favorite! We publish it compliments of the Mexico Beach Artificial Reef Association Seafood Cookbook (


Redfish fillets
Cedar planks
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
Fresh rosemary
Lemon wedges


Soak the planks in water, preferably overnight but at least for 45 minutes. Place a small amount of oil on the fish to keep it from sticking to the plank. Lightly season with salt and pepper. Place fish on the cedar plank and put the plank on a medium-hot grill. Cover the grill, or use a large metal bowl or aluminum foil to keep more of the smoke in. Remove fish when it starts to become flaky, about 10–15 minutes. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary and a few lemon wedges.

Consider serving the fish with plank-grilled vegetables, but discard the plank when you are done.

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Income Taxes

Since it is income tax season, we thought you might enjoy these views on taxes.

The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.—Mark Twain

A taxpayer is a person who has the government on his payroll.

When it comes to finances, remember that there are no withholding taxes on the wages of sin.—Mae West

A taxpayer is someone who doesn’t have to pass a civil service exam to work for the government.

The only thing that hurts more than paying an income tax is NOT having to pay an income tax.

Lottery: a tax on people who are bad at math.

Untold wealth: income that does not appear on income tax returns.

The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.—Will Rogers

I have the perfect simplified tax form for government. Why don’t they just print our money with a return address on it?—Bob Hope

Today, it takes more brains and effort to complete the income tax form than it does to make the income.

Say What?
“It’s Greek to me.”

This saying generally means that whatever was said was not understood. This term comes from William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar. The character Casca is describing a conversation with Cicero, who only speaks Greek. When asked what Cicero had to say, Casca replies: “Those that understood him smiled at one another and shook their heads, but for mine own part, it was Greek to me.” The phrase caught on and is still in use today. As an aside, Greeks today use the phrase “It’s Chinese to me.”



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